The Oculus Rift open the way to the rebirth of the VR as a feasible way to have Virtual Reality home entertainment. From that point some others have been configuring different ways to make the Oculus Rift experience portable. The DIVE and some others are the demonstration of that movement.

I tried the Oculus several times, since a friend has it and once in a while he invites to test some of the latest Oculus Rift demos. 

The DIVE option is excellent for the mobile Oculus version and also the google cardboard glasses works nice, but I have a personal design that fits more with what I think improves the mobile oculus version:

-The frame should be open in order to allow touch the phone screen
-Access to the smartphone buttons also are needed.
-A frame that can be folded and send via email, cheaply.
-A material that is waterproof.
-Lightweight, to allow an easy mobility.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that the Oculus is just the beginning of a more immersive environment
    It is a powerful tool to create virtual reality.
